A couple of shots from around the shop this week.

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All the Bianchi colors lined up and in stock!

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We just finished up this Bianchi Pista build for a customer that opted for bullhorn bars instead of drops. Long and low that is the tempo!

And we got another one a them fad bike things in – oh sorry meant FAT bike.

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10% off too, which brings it just under $50/lb

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We also got in a couple of the Bianchi Via Nirone 7’s for stock and have the fabulous Bianchi Lupo in a wide range of sizes if you have been thinking about giving cyclocross a try. Or, you know, if you just want a kick ass versatile bike. Lots of 2014 bikes on sale now so come in and see if one might be right for you, and meet our fish, too!

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We got a Betta and he is a pretty little guy