January 2015

They are serious – but don’t call them Surly.

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What does it all mean? It means you want a Surly? You get a Surly for $150 off. Just has to be in stock, either here or there. We have an LHT and a Disc Trucker on the floor plus a Pugsley that is already on sale and yep, you can apply this on top. It just takes us 1 day to get a bike in the shop if we have to order it so what are you waiting for?! The price is right, the time is now through April 1st, and the proud new owner is you!

I admit the first time I saw an Xtracycle FreeRadical I laughed at it, even the very idea of it. “Who wants to carry a cello on their bike” I think I said? I was firmly in the go fast by bike camp at that point, anything more than a messenger bag was too much. Well, one day I saw a friend riding to work with a radio playing NPR in his WALD basket, and then I went bike touring on an old Motobecane and then, eventually, I got a bike shop. And an Xtracycle! I found out that they really are amazing, and this blog is full of posts touting their many uses so I won’t waste time rehashing except to once again pay that ultimate compliment – Of my bikes the Xtracycle is the only one that would have to be replaced, and immediately, if it went missing.

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My first Xtracycle was the FreeRadical add on kit. Comes with everything you need to turn the bike you already have into a legit cargo bike. Xtracycle is now updating the design of the venerable old FreeRad and have stopped production of the old design. Which is what I wanted to tell you! Pictured is the last FreeRad we will ever have in stock. So if you have been on the fence about trying this whole cargo bike lifestyle out with an add on kit you better act soon, because that whole fence is about to get torn down.