We stock all of these Arkel bags, but not in red so we had to special order this set.

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The T-42 set is all you need to do about any tour, just a bit smaller than the GT-54 which is the biggest on the block. And up front the GT-18 on one side and the backpack convertible GT-18BP gives you a daypack option if you are leaving your bike for a bit and exploring on foot. Great bags in any color!

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Also sporting red the latest Urban Velo just arrived and it is packed with good stuff including a really awesome article about Worksman Cycles in NYC. Free as always, come pick one up!

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And with just a touch of red but enough to get it into this blog post, we just took delivery of 5 hoopties from Xtracycle! 4 are pre-sold so you do the math, hooptie shoppers. Xtracycle and hooptie can change your life – you read it here.