June 2013

Your frame broke?


That’ll happen.


But not again.

We think it is pretty cool, for a helmet.

lazer wood helmet

Would go very nicely with a set of MK Fenders.

This just in: We don’t need no stinking cars!


Take a look at the history of this car free shop and our Xtracycles and get inspired. Just this morning we hauled all of our scrap metals to the junkyard by bicycle.


YOUR Xtracycle HERE

We just sold our last in stock FreeRad but of course more are on the way.


Whether kids or cargo, both or neither, the Xtracycle can help you do more with your bike, less with your car!

We hosted the amazing traveling Dinner + Bikes roadshow and vegan dinner last weekend. So first, clean house! We even mopped.


Then, we organized a Bikes at Work convoy to pick up all the chairs. We blew that gate doing 8.8 said, “let them cargo bikes roll”


Had to activate the overflow bike parking system at showtime.


And it’s on! =Dinner, bikes and beers as promised, plus the tallest sponsor on earth Brian from Ironweed BP.


The show went on, first Elly Blue and then a movie, Aftermass.


Anne here deserves huge props for luring these fine folks to town, rounding up sponsors and making sure everything ran smoothly for the event – thanks Anne!


Now the party is over and things are back to crowded normal on the floor.


Thanks to everyone who came out for a great night with Dinner + Bikes – take the lane!