We have been all in a touring tizzy around the shop lately.  Lots of folks are coming in, getting set up for loaded tours, and it must be rubbing off on us or something.  Of course, we can’t close up shop and just leave, so we are reading bike tour blogs and planning to ride up the Natchez Trace Parkway this winter (via the train to New Orleans, returning from Memphis).

l-r: Zoa, Jack, Fin, and Paco, the Cycling Gypsies.

Of course, there is an option to get that fix right away.  What with the rising popularity of the bicycle overnight trips, people no longer look at you like a bore for going 30 miles from home just to pitch a tent for one night.  It is quite rewarding and a great way to discover the treasures just beyond your door.

Next Year is the 30¢ Squad motto for good reason as we look forward to longer trips.  Steve is planning an all out assault on the Adventure Cycling Great Divide route next summer.  Not going to race it, just do a “quick” tour with a small group of friends.  Also next summer, Cody is going to head North through Wisconsin to Lake Superior and back using mostly gravel roads, trails, and fire roads.  No regrets!

In other touring type news, ever wonder why Tour de France riders go so fast?  Maybe it is not for any other reason than to get off their incredibly uncomfortable bikes as soon as possible:

Check out that drop.  A 140 mm stem slammed all the way down plus a saddle way up and pushed forward sounds like a good formula to start hating your bike.

Maybe not as uncomfortable as a sword down the ol’ windpipe, but still.

Don’t miss the Legendary Luther Bangert of The Royal Bombay Circus performing at the City Park Shakespeare Theatre on Saturday, July 23 at 7pm.  He will defy logic!  He will leave you in awe!  He will break World Records!  Plus, he’s a really nice guy, so pay the $5 to show your support.  You shall not regret.